Previously: On
one side, a woman I
loved; on the other, a
man who could launch my
Hollywood career. I
stared at a poster of
Citizen Kane hanging on
my wall, as if seeking
an answer. But I heard
nothing, not even
Allison told me to
think very carefully
about it. If I helped
them, I would enter the
Witness Protection
Program, and my name
would vanish from the
radar. She apologized
but said she needed to
ask me. I replied that
since my teenage years,
I have been trying to
get into showbiz;
however, if I said yes,
I would never see my
dream come true. She
picked up her purse and
said, "Yes! You
don't deserve
something like that.
I'm going to go and
talk to them. I'll
explain your situation,
and the game will be
Then, after Allison
left, a sense of
justice filled my mind,
and my intense desire
to transform society
grew stronger in my
heart. However, to
escape these clashing
thoughts between
personal and collective
desires, I tried to
clear my mind by
watching some movies,
like On the Waterfront
by Elia Kazan and Budd
Schulberg, and The
Godfather, Part II by
Francis Ford Coppola
and Mario Puzo. Bam! I
became very confused
and called Allison.
I met Allison at Bryant
Park, near the
carousel, as Édith
Piaf's voice was coming
from the ride. I said,
"Yes! I've got
to do the right thing,
like Spike Lee."
Since then, I've
been in conversation
with Don Cristallo. But
all I've recorded is
him talking about
nothing. He even told
me my screenplay sucks.
Tom Hanks was out, and
John Fedder informed
him that no one wants
to invest in this
production. Hollywood
people are very
superstitious, and
after the accident
involving actor Clinton
Ford, the movie will
never see the light of
day. It's over. But Don
Cristallo wants to use
my creativity to boost
his business.
"When can you
As nobody could say no
to Don Cristallo, I got
the job. What would I
have to do? Just think
of new ideas for
smuggling, such as
hiding stolen jewelry
and creating nicknames
for law enforcement,
everything that was
necessary for the
family business.
Meanwhile, the FBI
discovered a good
chance to hit a home
run. Allison met me at
Central Park West,
between 75th and 76th
Streets, and told me
they knew about a
family reunion
happening next week. I
had to record
conversations at the
event to capture
something important for
the investigation. It
was my turn at bat.
Before I went to the
meeting, some FBI
agents prepared me with
all the gadgets
possible to record. The
meeting was in an
Italian restaurant on
Carmine Street. When I
got there, a bodyguard
was about to frisk me,
but Big-Bang arrived
just in time,
interrupted the check,
and told me to enter
the restaurant's
reserved hall.
Don Cristallo was
sitting at the head of
the table. Around him
were all the members of
his illicit business.
During lunch, which
included a lot of
pasta, chicken, and
wine, they revealed all
their scams. I recorded
At Rockefeller Center,
on the observation
deck, I met Allison
again. I handed her the
tablet with all the
recordings, and she
responded, "Your trip
is ready. You have
provided great service
to your country." I
thought to myself, if I
made movies, maybe I
wouldn't accomplish
as much.
Two months later,
during Christmas time,
I was walking in the
San Francisco de Paula
Ward in Havana, Cuba.
Don Cristallo and his
entire family went to
prison, including
Vincenzo Big-Bang. John
Fedder returned to
California, trying to
produce an impossible
Oscar-winning movie.
Clinton Ford got
rehabilitated and now
works at a public radio
station in Spokane, WA.
I never saw Allison
again, but I know that
she received a
promotion in the FBI
and now works at the
Office of Integrity and
Compliance. I hope she
is happy.
And me? Well, I came to
this country because of
the Witness Protection
Program. Here, I became
a fisherman. It's not
like Ernest Hemingway,
but every day when I
walk near the house
that once belonged to
him—now a
museum—I think
about Papa and what it
would be like if Ernest
Hemingway also had a
chicken bone at the
beginning of his career.