Welcome to Our

25th Year of Publication

October 2024



We welcome Proposals for articles along with inquiries regarding the publication of:
Drama, Poetry, Fiction, Photography, Graphics, Theatre, Cinema, Dance, Music, Media, Commentary and whatever else.

To submit a proposal, please go to our Contact Form - Here.

Select "Propose Article/Drama/Poetry/Fiction" and enter either your article proposal or a synopsis/description of the work you would like to submit for publication in Scene4. If our editors have an interest, they will contact you.

We do not accept attachments at the Contact address. Upon request, you will be able to email your work as a Word or Libre document attachment to a special secure address.


October 2024

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  Columns Adler · Alenier · Alpaugh · Bettencourt · Jones · Luce · Marcott · Walsh 
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Scene4 (ISSN 1932-3603), published monthly by Scene4 Magazine
of Arts and Culture. Copyright © 2000-2024 Aviar-Dka Ltd – Aviar Media Llc.

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