up with a weird
backache and all of my
bedding sort of slid
off to the side. But
that's not the fun
part. I was in the
middle of a dream that
I really did not want
to finish. The gist of
it: Canada has carved
out two state-sized
chunks of territory and
created a country. Now,
full disclosure, this
is their business. We
don't get to have a
say, but this so-called
new country has no
name. It is restricted
to Canadian citizens or
denizens if you will.
When the paperwork is
official, it may or may
not be possible for
somebody else to enter
this enigmatic country.
That remains to be
seen. Meanwhile, any
and all attempts to
codify or muscle into
the process is rebuffed
vigorously. This means
the more you ask So
what are you calling it? The more the response is excuseme? The only thing you're going to get is a vague assurance that at some point, you may or may not be able to enter legally, even if you specifically request it. The attitude appears to be not
our problem. We'll
see. We'll let ya
In my dream, there is a
graphic of the two
states (I don't
know why I keep calling
them states. They
should be provinces,
but it's my dream
so)…the graphic
is basically the
outline of something
empty, conjoined with
its neighbor. The
specifics are
rudimentary, like a
child's drawing. Oh
God I just realized
it's not like the
famous hurricane
sharpie, the thickness
is not nearly at that
level, but it is
reminiscent of that
spontaneous randomness.
As the drama proceeds,
I'm aware, in the
dream, that it is me
who is asking the
questions: if I want
to refer to this
country, what name
shall I use? Answer: ... Not exactly evasion, so much as refer to previous. As in NOYFB. I'm not really frustrated, I don't have any skin in the game. I'm just mildly curious.
And also strangely
aware that, as soon as
I wake up, the game
will end, hence my
desire to prolong it.
As though by some means
the Canadian government
will intercede, and
move things along. This
is an autonomous
country, though. They
get their own rules and
they appear to be
pushing back against
any sort of timeline.
It also has the flavor
of collaboration with a
neighbor. (Ugh.
Collaboration is an
ugly word, so let's
call it cooperation.)
Again, this is Canada's
business, so I am
acutely aware of my
outsiderism. I stare at
the empty drawing.
It's on a piece of
paper which has
literally nothing else
on it. No identifiers,
whatsoever. I could be
the only one who is
even in on the creation
of this country, so
inscrutable as to be
entirely a figment of
my imagination, which I
think is the point.
Plausible deniability?
Oh rats, it's slipping away. I'm starting to lose it.
I'm waking up.
OK, stupid phone.
I'm standing here
at Trader Joe's at
the checkout. I
haven't made
contact, that is eye
contact, with anybody
in the 15 minute walk
over here. And I have
already had to actually
ask you to pack my bag
that is after you asked
me if I had a bag and it was obvious that I did. This is pro forma BS I know. Anyway when I scan, stupid phone decides to give me a smile, a smiley face, and he starts packing because I gave him verbal permission and then he says oh I'm sorry that didn't go through so I have to go back do it again and this time there's a tiny ass advisory that I need to enter
passcode in order to complete the transaction and I already had done a fucking double click on the side, which I usually forget but actually already did, so here's what I wanna ask you stupid phone what the fuck how did I get into the position where I'm physically walking around a grocery store checking off the list that I made on you stupid phone in order for me not to forget some key ingredients for my birthday dinner.

Yes, it's my birthday today Monday and I'm planning for
Wednesday for the eight of us—me and my brother and my oldest
and my grandson birthdays, plus dil, my baby brother and extra
two sons—and so here I am standing here with expensive egg on
my face because you asked me for a passcode which for all intents
and purposes you shouldn't of had to ask me because I already
had been walking around the store, checking things off on a
phone that provided me the ability to make things like my
shopping list with no paper and no pencil save the trees! So how
in god's green earth does it make any sense at all for you to ask
me to confirm that it's me in order for me to buy my groceries in
front of god and everybody, it's fucking humiliating. Don't tell me
some rando could have my phone making their own shopping list.
And what I don't like even more is the powerful sense that I'm
sure my mother had but didn't want to show was people being
uncomfortable with an older person struggling to pay for
something either with a checkbook or arthritis in your hands
whatever it is. I know if I ask Customer Service about this they
will say but it's just more important that you spend a little more
time making sure that your purchase is legitimate or that we ask
you to verify that it's you. I say one more time stupid phone.
On the sidewalk still arguing with myself, I have my sunglasses
on, my blue-light protectors, I'm not able to see clearly. A bald old
guy is walking towards me duck-footed, baseball cap, looking off
to the side.
I can't tell that it's not you.